I’m Busy, So Go Read Some Other Stuff

I’m sorry if my posts have seemed to have lost their luster as of late. I’m interning this semester, and March/early April is an extremely busy time for me. Add that to me having to take 2 classes will interning full-time, and you have yourself a busy schedule. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some fine work on the other sites around the Internet.

Todd from Roll Bama Roll lets his hair hang down a bit as he participates in a Bama fan past time: cursing the very air Auburn fans inhale. This all has to do with RBR pointing out that Hal Mumme – of all people- was a guest during an Alabama practice. Auburn fans still believe Tony Franklin farts rainbows while designing plays to inflict pain on the opposing team, so they are naturally assuming that Mumme’s visit has to do with Alabama quivering over Franklin’s Sun Belt playbook that you can buy online for a small fee. We all remember Mumme amazing defense at Kentucky, where the mantra was “Let them score so we can score again! It’s flawless I tell you!”

Hal’s defense got him this nifty hair-do

A big ole top of the hat goes to Todd for getting the ole rivalry juices flowing in late March. From now on, Todd might want to reconsider using Hank Williams Jr as his blog effigy. Why? Because, I enjoyed that post, and we need a few more rants of that ilk to keep thing spiced up. I could do it, but I have this hang nail see… so yeah.

Todd, you know all that Homewood- Hillcrest smack was just for fun…. right?

Speaking of Auburn fans, they seem to be giving Capstone Report a few extra hits over his theory as to why the Grid Iron Bash was canceled. As mentioned in the comments, I tend to think this came from certain schools failing to actually sell tickets. If they can use the NCAA to protect them for basically burning money, then they get to avoid an embarrassing event. I don’t have anything to back this up, but that’s just my honest opinion.

Will Heath of DBH Dance Party is a linking machine. So, I guess it is time for me to return the favor. He brings up the only consistent bright spot for Alabama last season: Mr. Javier Arenas, aka Agent 28. If we could just let Javier score 3 TDs a game on returns, I’d be feeling a lot better about our offense.

Clemson recruit Kenneth Page is under some duress over his money picture. Not to worry, as Third Saturday in Blogtober informs us of two things: 1) Kenneth was actually reading the Book of John, and 2) He has Michael Jackson hands. Who knew?

BTW, I guess I should mention that I am leading their NCAA tournament bracket challenge by 1 point. I doubt it holds up, since UNC and Memphis are the hottest teams right now. I have Kansas and UCLA winning …. *gulp*.

Have you been under a rock lately about professional sports in Dallas? Don’t panic, as Gerry Dorsey (Uncle Rico’s Time Thing-a-mabob) informs us of the current level of excellence currently residing in [Insert Dallas’ nickname here]. Hope things turn around soon for Dallas fans.

One Response to “I’m Busy, So Go Read Some Other Stuff”

  1. crimson daddy Says:

    I was set to do a post on our site letting everyone know how our bracket contest was going, but then I saw that I wasn’t winning so I said screw it.

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